Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Food hangover

I had a rubbish night last night. I went to bed at 8.30 because the craving for my usual evening bar of chocolate was driving me mad. I'm a habitual person and at 8pm every night, I have a bar of chocolate in the way someone else may have a glass of wine.

I was soooo tired and I believe that was the crash from not having a top up of sugar.

I even started having sweets last week to give me a boost in between rubbish.

So, my nights sleep was rubbish too. Pretty much non existent. I'm sat here now feeling tired and grotty. I'll be doing the school walk soon and on the way back I would usually have a sweet. This would be on the way to the shop for my usual packet of biscuits.

Today however, I shall put my earphones in, listen to music and come home and do housework. I will not sit down and have my second sugar fix of the day.

That's the plan anyway. x

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

The sugar cleanse whirlwind

I've just been through my kitchen cupboards and binned all biscuits, cereal bars, sweets and chocolate. I then went to all my secret stashes and did the same.

Er...then the handbags...

...erm and the coat pockets. Think that's it.

I'm serious about this. x

Sugar monster rears its ugly head

I feel crap. I've got pins and needles in my hands and my arms. I just googled it and apparently there is a connection to too much sugar and pins and needles.
Google also suggested diabetes and hypoglycaemia.

Actually, lots of things come up in google.  Either way, it's time to stop this. It's time to lose weight. I'm now just under 11 stone. In fact, after the biscuits, sugar and chocolate that I've just consumed, I'm no doubt now OVER 11 stone!

I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to be fit and healthy and happy like I was before. I want to feel good about myself again. I don't want pins and needles, headaches, lethargy, eczema etc. All the neurological symptoms I had last year, finally went away because i stopped eating sugar. I know that deep down, but I just don't really want to believe it.

My sugar demon has got a hold of me again and it is time to kill it.